For me, 2010 is about living the things that I know. This is something that I have tried to focus on in a few separate areas last year, and perhaps in even more separate and fewer areas throughout my whole life, but this year it feels right to me to not only know that I am a whole being and that the most effective path is a holistic one, but to actually consciously exist on that holistic path. I feel as if I am drawing all of the separate areas that have existed within me together and I am finally getting closer to my authentic, true self.
Several times over the last few months, different things have brought me to realise and then be reminded of the fact that all of my existence up until this moment is now a resource for me to create my present and my future with. Through this, I will truly be able to BE ME - which is my motto for 2010.
May the New Year bless you all with the peace and progress you are destined for!
~ In love, light and laughter ~