Anyway, in our previous life, we accumulated many things. They didn't always have a perfect place in our last home but it is amazing how perfectly they all fit into our current home. I always wanted a fairy garden but it wasn't until we moved here that many of the statues and ornaments that we had turned the little area in a tucked away part of the garden into an actual fairy garden. When I look out my kitchen window, I have the great pleasure of looking out over the fairy garden. Here are some of the sights I see:
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fairy Garden
Before we moved to our home here in Newcastle, we spent a little over ten years in our previous home in one of the south western suburbs of Sydney. As soon as I saw our house here I fell in love with it. We'd been seriously looking for about a year, travelling up from Sydney a couple of times a month to inspect properties and in all that time we were only ever interested in two houses. The first one we were interested in wasn't as nice a house but was in a "better" location. We put in an offer but it didn't work out, for which I am now extremely grateful as I love our current home so much.
Anyway, in our previous life, we accumulated many things. They didn't always have a perfect place in our last home but it is amazing how perfectly they all fit into our current home. I always wanted a fairy garden but it wasn't until we moved here that many of the statues and ornaments that we had turned the little area in a tucked away part of the garden into an actual fairy garden. When I look out my kitchen window, I have the great pleasure of looking out over the fairy garden. Here are some of the sights I see:

Anyway, in our previous life, we accumulated many things. They didn't always have a perfect place in our last home but it is amazing how perfectly they all fit into our current home. I always wanted a fairy garden but it wasn't until we moved here that many of the statues and ornaments that we had turned the little area in a tucked away part of the garden into an actual fairy garden. When I look out my kitchen window, I have the great pleasure of looking out over the fairy garden. Here are some of the sights I see:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Queen of Yawns
Better day today. Still the Queen of Yawns and have ducked under the radar of a few outreaches but have done the necessary (sounds a bit howz-ya-father, that does, hey?) and have made it through.
Am a skeleton widow tonight. The Starchild had gone a-wandering, mid-week even! Will be back tomorrow in time to head off again, this time for a much needed weekend away up north. Hope the rain clears so the widdies can enjoy the coastal features that were the reason that we booked where we did.
Dinner tonight is improv: curried egg lettuce wraps. Recipe is a to boil some eggs. Fry some diced bacon and spring onions on medium/high heat then add some water and brown sugar to the pan, stir well and continue to cook until water almost evaporated. Peel the boiled eggs then in a bowl and add some mayo, some curry powder and the bacon/sprint onion mix. Spoon into lettuce leaves, eat and enjoy. All quantities "to taste". Yummo!
Bought supplies for aspirations of being a sewerer (adj. someone who sews). Wish me luck!
Am a skeleton widow tonight. The Starchild had gone a-wandering, mid-week even! Will be back tomorrow in time to head off again, this time for a much needed weekend away up north. Hope the rain clears so the widdies can enjoy the coastal features that were the reason that we booked where we did.
Dinner tonight is improv: curried egg lettuce wraps. Recipe is a to boil some eggs. Fry some diced bacon and spring onions on medium/high heat then add some water and brown sugar to the pan, stir well and continue to cook until water almost evaporated. Peel the boiled eggs then in a bowl and add some mayo, some curry powder and the bacon/sprint onion mix. Spoon into lettuce leaves, eat and enjoy. All quantities "to taste". Yummo!
Bought supplies for aspirations of being a sewerer (adj. someone who sews). Wish me luck!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Buzz then BUZZ then buzz then just ZZzzz...
I have been on a bit of a buzz of late and this buzz started to come into focus when writing my YAAD dedication vows (about an hour before class, as is my usual Just-In-Time delivery method for most things in my life).
During the blessing, I felt like I was big, like, uncontainably big. I didn’t really understand it at the time but it felt like my energy was too big for my physical being, particularly around my head and upper body.
During the blessing I felt comfortable, peaceful, extremely happy and a great sense of trust. Thank you, Lisa, it was another really wonderful experience and I am feeling completely aligned with my path at the moment. During the blessing, I also remember seeing a turquoise hue that rocked gently between shades of turquoise-blue and turquoise-green. The next day, without consciously doing so, I chose to wear clothes of the same colour, which made me smile when I did realise.
On Tuesday, I felt really alive. I had so much to do but I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all. I didn’t feel hungry for most of the day, but I drank lots of water (which is normal for me anyway). I got heaps done and noticed that my energy was starting to wane in the afternoon. I’m not sure if this was my little batteries starting to run flat or if it was the effects of being around other people. When I concentrated, I was able to get the buzz thing happening again, like entering a state of flow, which was wonderful and something that I will continue to work with.
I slept like a log for 8 hours that night, with vivid dreams (which, again, is normal for me at the moment) and woke up still tired. The first hour or so was ok and I started to feel better but then I got a call from a close friend who is having some health issues of the female plumbing variety that she is struggling to deal with. I do a few hours up at the school each Wednesday and was feeling quite lethargic. I went from there to visit my friend and the lethargy continued to increase. I'm actually not sure how much help I was to her as I was fairly lost for words - which is unusual for me - but I was there, with hugs, and I think that was appreciated at least.
When I came home, hubby was there and we decided on a spontaneous lunch date, which was really wonderful but I was still really tired. My period also started in the afternoon, which, although it was due, was more sudden than usual. The flow has been slightly lighter than normal and with slightly less aching and discomfort, but not all that much less so. Forgive the over-sharing on this point.
A normal, hectic kiddie afternoon followed but by 5pm I was ready to give up so I crawled into bed for a few hours. This is quite rare for me.
When I got up I was still really tired and not particularly hungry.
I'm not sure which factors, and to what degree, are effecting me at the moment, and, while they are surely fairly related, I am also trying to work out how holistically to look at this. Perhaps I am a little too vulnerable to other people’s energy at the minute and I need to work on some protection before subjecting myself to the world each day (or perhaps the other way around *lol*) for a while.
I’ll see how I go tomorrow but are there any suggestions?
During the blessing, I felt like I was big, like, uncontainably big. I didn’t really understand it at the time but it felt like my energy was too big for my physical being, particularly around my head and upper body.
During the blessing I felt comfortable, peaceful, extremely happy and a great sense of trust. Thank you, Lisa, it was another really wonderful experience and I am feeling completely aligned with my path at the moment. During the blessing, I also remember seeing a turquoise hue that rocked gently between shades of turquoise-blue and turquoise-green. The next day, without consciously doing so, I chose to wear clothes of the same colour, which made me smile when I did realise.
On Tuesday, I felt really alive. I had so much to do but I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all. I didn’t feel hungry for most of the day, but I drank lots of water (which is normal for me anyway). I got heaps done and noticed that my energy was starting to wane in the afternoon. I’m not sure if this was my little batteries starting to run flat or if it was the effects of being around other people. When I concentrated, I was able to get the buzz thing happening again, like entering a state of flow, which was wonderful and something that I will continue to work with.
I slept like a log for 8 hours that night, with vivid dreams (which, again, is normal for me at the moment) and woke up still tired. The first hour or so was ok and I started to feel better but then I got a call from a close friend who is having some health issues of the female plumbing variety that she is struggling to deal with. I do a few hours up at the school each Wednesday and was feeling quite lethargic. I went from there to visit my friend and the lethargy continued to increase. I'm actually not sure how much help I was to her as I was fairly lost for words - which is unusual for me - but I was there, with hugs, and I think that was appreciated at least.
When I came home, hubby was there and we decided on a spontaneous lunch date, which was really wonderful but I was still really tired. My period also started in the afternoon, which, although it was due, was more sudden than usual. The flow has been slightly lighter than normal and with slightly less aching and discomfort, but not all that much less so. Forgive the over-sharing on this point.
A normal, hectic kiddie afternoon followed but by 5pm I was ready to give up so I crawled into bed for a few hours. This is quite rare for me.
When I got up I was still really tired and not particularly hungry.
I'm not sure which factors, and to what degree, are effecting me at the moment, and, while they are surely fairly related, I am also trying to work out how holistically to look at this. Perhaps I am a little too vulnerable to other people’s energy at the minute and I need to work on some protection before subjecting myself to the world each day (or perhaps the other way around *lol*) for a while.
I’ll see how I go tomorrow but are there any suggestions?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Shiny Day In the Rain

It's raining today but it's still so shiny. So much happening I don't know how I will get through all of the things that I have planned, but one thing at a time is my best guess, unless I can work out how to stop time or invent a time machine.
So many big things going on in people's lives at the minute. I feel like I am ten times bigger than I actually am at the moment - not in a bad, opps I ate everything in the cupboard way, but in an energy kind of way. And not in an activity kind of way, more in a presence kind of way. Pfffh, I can't explain it, so I'm just going to enjoy it.
Blessings to all who are facing challenges in their lives at the moment. Sending you love and positive energy ♥
Monday, March 30, 2009
YAY To Me On So Many Levels
What a weekend!
The Starchild left in the wee small hours of Saturday morning (albeit three hours later than a week day would have seen him leave) to drive to Lithgow to see the nine live cat with clipped wings in his new location. This is very good as well as very bad. The good is due to the facilities and general state of being; the bad is the extra travel for everyone making visits less frequent. Good old fashioned letter writing is back on the priority list though with two from me already - must be a record. YAY to me!
So, my Saturday was spent looking after the widdies, just for something different. Also, due to the end of the detox, some serious retoxing was in order and I fulfilled that requirement very well. The Starchild was most amused upon his return, which is wonderful and shows how much he is mellowing in his old age. We had some quality time together before I finally crashed for the night and we even remembered to observe Earth Hour, as long as running the laptop on battery power counts. YAY to me!
I was up early on Sunday, a little anxious and a little excited for both of the big events planned for the day. Went to church an hour early to join the rehearsal and all of a sudden the audience was full and I was singing with the worship team. I don't have time to go into all of the details at the moment but I am so amazed on so many levels and so proud to have taken this huge step. This is my YAAD dedication task and from the moment that I thought of it everything has just fit perfectly into place. YAY to me!
So, straight after service we jumped in the car and went to Sydney to meet the skeleton from the closet. OK, so he's not a skeleton and he is absolutely lovely. We didn't leave until 8.30pm and the Kman ended up too sick to go to school today, which is obviously not ideal, but it was very special and we all had a wonderful time.
Of course, this has stirred up some huge emotions and we are each dealing with things from our own perspective. I am angry about so many things and, being me, need to express this before I will be able to move on. Fortunately, those that I am angry at (apart from myself) are not in my direct firing line and I am good at just saying what's on my mind without it becoming an attack (sometimes) so I am being tolerated, which is probably wise for all concerned.
And, to help me heal, I have spent ridiculous amounts of money today on a new printer and a new camera. I love new toys!!!!
Sorry for this being a bit of a cryptic post but I don't have the time to dedicate to dealing with everything at the moment. We are officially trading as a company as of Wednesday and there is still so much to do for that. Have decided on the logo, which I have been stuck on for a stupid amount of time. It's not perfect - and I do so love perfect - but it will do for now. Even just saying that is a big step for me. And, I bet you can guess what I'm going to say about that: YAY to Me!
The Starchild left in the wee small hours of Saturday morning (albeit three hours later than a week day would have seen him leave) to drive to Lithgow to see the nine live cat with clipped wings in his new location. This is very good as well as very bad. The good is due to the facilities and general state of being; the bad is the extra travel for everyone making visits less frequent. Good old fashioned letter writing is back on the priority list though with two from me already - must be a record. YAY to me!
So, my Saturday was spent looking after the widdies, just for something different. Also, due to the end of the detox, some serious retoxing was in order and I fulfilled that requirement very well. The Starchild was most amused upon his return, which is wonderful and shows how much he is mellowing in his old age. We had some quality time together before I finally crashed for the night and we even remembered to observe Earth Hour, as long as running the laptop on battery power counts. YAY to me!
I was up early on Sunday, a little anxious and a little excited for both of the big events planned for the day. Went to church an hour early to join the rehearsal and all of a sudden the audience was full and I was singing with the worship team. I don't have time to go into all of the details at the moment but I am so amazed on so many levels and so proud to have taken this huge step. This is my YAAD dedication task and from the moment that I thought of it everything has just fit perfectly into place. YAY to me!
So, straight after service we jumped in the car and went to Sydney to meet the skeleton from the closet. OK, so he's not a skeleton and he is absolutely lovely. We didn't leave until 8.30pm and the Kman ended up too sick to go to school today, which is obviously not ideal, but it was very special and we all had a wonderful time.
Of course, this has stirred up some huge emotions and we are each dealing with things from our own perspective. I am angry about so many things and, being me, need to express this before I will be able to move on. Fortunately, those that I am angry at (apart from myself) are not in my direct firing line and I am good at just saying what's on my mind without it becoming an attack (sometimes) so I am being tolerated, which is probably wise for all concerned.
And, to help me heal, I have spent ridiculous amounts of money today on a new printer and a new camera. I love new toys!!!!
Sorry for this being a bit of a cryptic post but I don't have the time to dedicate to dealing with everything at the moment. We are officially trading as a company as of Wednesday and there is still so much to do for that. Have decided on the logo, which I have been stuck on for a stupid amount of time. It's not perfect - and I do so love perfect - but it will do for now. Even just saying that is a big step for me. And, I bet you can guess what I'm going to say about that: YAY to Me!
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