Saturday, October 25, 2008

All's Right WIth The World

My poppet looked beautiful today for her dancing photos.

Lunch with the outlaws - always a nice afternoon. Widdies actually played quite well together for a change.

Back home for a quick game of Twister before dinner - still crazy shake girl; must see how the tea lady is doing with the crazy shakes, too.

Call from Blister in the San - good chat, first for months and months and months and months. Have invited up for Xmas day lunch. Will need to send her protection for childhood worst/best friend before she considers replying to Facebook request.

Perhaps a workout and then might call it a day.

"The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven -
All's right with the world!"
~ Robert Browning

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