Hugely productive day today. Got some big-ish projects completed - yippie! The Starchild came home not long after I climbed out of bed, which made me feel a little guilty but only for a second as I was dressed and had begun to start the day by the time he made it through the door. It has been wonderful having him home so much lately, even if it hasn't been much of a rest for him as he works so hard on stuff around the home.
I have two items left on my To Do list that I haven't started. I will probably kick one if not both of them off before bed but I don't think I'll get them finished. I think I'm way ahead with all of the extra things that I did today that weren't on my To Do list so I'm still exceptionally pleased. And organised. And showing great willpower. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.
The Starchild re-screened three of the upstairs windows today as the native birds eat huge holes in them, even though the screens on there are the heavy duty wire mesh stuff. Crazy-ass birds. My expression work for today was to make four black cats with eyes to it on the window ledges to hopefully scare the birds away. I haven't finished them yet but here is a picture of them resting against the window for now:
You can't really see them that well so I might take some more pics when they're done. I'm also thinking of doing some sort of birds to hang outside, but these will need a bit more thought.
The last things on my To Do list were YAAD stuff so that will be the last component of my NY focus successfully actioned again today. FIGJAM, I say!
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